S&T Timely Warning: Sex Offense
This information is being sent to the Missouri S&T community as a Timely Warning through email under the provisions of the Clery Act. S&T values a safe community for all students, faculty, staff and visitors.
Last night, the university was made aware of a possible incident which occurred at two non-university owned residence known to house students. The S&T student reported they were sexually assaulted at both locations. The investigation is still ongoing by law enforcement.
Please contact the University Police at 573-341-4300 or use the RAVE Guardian App and text University Police. In an emergency or to report suspicious behaviors, please call 911.
Arrive Together – Before You Go Out
- Choose a friend or group of friends to go with.
- Make a plan for where you’re going and who you’re meeting.
- Decide how everyone will get home. Have a backup plan in case of emergency.
- Choose a code word or signal to let each other know when something isn’t right.
- Let a trusted person know where you will be.
- Charge your phone.
Leave Together – When the Party is Over
- Never leave a member of your group behind. Remember: No “buddy” left behind.
- Don’t leave anyone in your group in a vulnerable position at the end of the night when predators may be on the prowl.
- Beware of people offering rides or promising to help get people home. Use licensed and labeled transportation options so there is accountability.
- Check in to make sure everyone got home safe. If you can’t reach one of your group members, get help.
- If someone at the party/bar/club behaved in a way that made you or others feel uncomfortable or unsafe, talk about it. Support others who bring up these issues.
About the Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act
You are receiving this information in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998. The Timely Warning messages aim to keep you informed of potential dangers on or near campus so you can make educated choices about your safety. To learn more about Jeanne Clery, please visit: clerycenter.org.