Missouri S&T plans to follow normal operations tomorrow (Monday, March 17).
To assist community members affected by severe weather, showers at S&T’s Gale Bullman Building will be open to the Rolla community for use by those without access to hot showers due to power outages. The showers are available until 8 p.m. tonight and will be available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow (Monday, March 17). Availability will depend on community need; please check S&T’s Facebook page for updates and extended hours. To access the showers, please enter through the south main building entrance from the Gale Bullman parking lot at 705 W. 10th Street. Volunteers will direct you on where to go upon entering the building.
Emergency housing is available for students if their residences were destroyed or damaged by the recent tornados. If you need emergency housing, please email reslife@mst.edu. The email will be closely monitored to ensure timely assistance.
The S&T campus did not sustain substantial damage from the March 14 storm, which enables S&T to continue normal operations and offer services on campus for community members who are lacking basic services. Shortly after the storm ended, Missouri S&T was able to mobilize staff, facilities and equipment to assist with cleanup efforts.
Our priority remains on the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, staff and neighbors. We ask faculty and staff to show understanding and compassion for students and employees who were affected by the severe weather. We are proud to be part of this community and appreciate all the kindness displayed during this difficult time.